perm filename DEA[AM,DBL] blob sn#400105 filedate 1978-11-30 generic text, type C, neo UTF8
C00001 00001
C00002 00002	∂24-Nov-78  1233	DEA  	I need someone on my reading committee 
C00004 00003	∂25-Nov-78  1947	DEA  	My thesis proposal 
C00005 ENDMK
∂24-Nov-78  1233	DEA  	I need someone on my reading committee 

	I need one more Stanford academic council member on my reading committee.
The area of my dissertation is Discourse Planning and Language Generation,
and is being done with the language understanding group at SRI.  Currently
Terry is my advisor, and Gary Hendrix and Nils Nilsson have agreed to serve
on my committee.  I need one more Stanford faculty member, and I thought you
would be a logical choice, being a new faculty member and not overburdened with
students yet.  I have what I believe to be a reasonably well in hand version of
my proposal, which I can give to you if you tell me where you pick up your
physical mail.  If you want to get together to talk about it, please let me know.

	Thank you very much.

						- Doug Appelt

∂25-Nov-78  1947	DEA  	My thesis proposal 

	I'll leave a copy of my proposal in your mailbox at Serra sometime Sunday.
I am just starting out, having converged on a topic only recently.  I don't
have an accurate estimate of when I'll finish, but a reasonable guess is
a year and a half.  Thanks for taking a look at it.

						- Doug